All Factory

In the replica watch market, due to the high popularity of Rolex, many manufacturers are involved, such as VS Factory, AR Factory, Noob Factory, EW Factory, Clean Factory, and so on. The Rolex Journal Series is a classic and best-selling official casual watch. For friends who don’t know much about watches, they may not be familiar with the EW factory and even think it is a small factory, but it is not.

EW Factory started almost at the same time as Noob Factory and developed its own 3135 movement at an early stage. Its manufacturing technology and details are perfect, and its cost performance is also very high. In recent years, EW Factory has introduced more and more Rolex styles, including Oyster Perpetual, Datejust, GMT Master II, Yacht Master, and other products. It can be said that the Rolex styles provided by EW Factory are the most abundant in the whole reproduction market.

At present, EW Factory mainly develops the movements 3135 and 3235, which are lower in repair rate, and the power storage has also been significantly improved. As a Rolex manufacturer in the replica market, EW Factory is very reliable in pre-sales and after-sales service. Their product line is very extensive, with sufficient output and quick delivery. In terms of scale, EW Factory is not inferior to any other manufacturer.

Therefore, if you are considering buying a replica Rolex watch, EW Factory is definitely a trustworthy choice. The products they provide are reliable in quality, rich in style, and have good pre-sales and after-sales services.